on 20 November 2008 Thursday in the Brussels Royal Library, Music Room between 13:30 - 15:30
Participants: |
Bojan Vrsnak |
KO |
András Ludmány |
Giovanni Lapenta |
Jean Aboudarham |
Frédéric Clette |
Wolfgang Otruba |
UOulu |
Kalevi Mursula |
The issues to be discussed: |
Discussion on WP2 led by András Ludmány
András Ludmány (KO) started the WP2 discussion by presenting an overview of the common work, his presentation is accessible at the "Presentations" menu. He gave a summary of the objectives, tasks and deliverables. Thereafter he introduced the photospheric data programs of the Konkoly Observatory at Debrecen and Gyula, Hungary. Two of these five programs are parts of the present SOTERIA efforts.
Following the presentation Frédéric Clette (ROB) gave an overview of the ROB contribution to the WP2, this material is also accessible at the "Presentations" menu. Their efforts will focus on long-term data production, on one hand the development of the sunspot number, on the other hand the digitization of old graphical full-disc observations.
Wolfgang Otruba (UNIGRAZ) spoke about the experiences with the CESAR archive, about the white-light full disc program and H-alpha program of the Kanzelhöhe Observatory, furthermore about the cooperation with the Debrecen Observatory and the Glasgow-Bradford sunspot team.
Jean Aboudarham (OBSPARIS) reported about some technical difficulties of the Meudon magnetograph program.
Kalevi Mursula (UOulu) expressed his willingness to cooperate with the KO-team in examining the longitudinal activity distribution on the Sun and in the interplanetary field. This could contribute to the forecast aims.
Giovanni Lapenta (KULeuven) asked whether the WP2 team will produce a photospheric model for forecast purpose. A. Ludmány answered that this is not mentioned in the Annex explicitly but one of the aims is the examination of the possibility to track fast sunspot motions with opposite polarities as a forecast tool of some explosive events.
Following the session David Berghmans and Frédéric Clette (ROB) with András Ludmány (KO) discussed the cooperation with WP6. D.Berghmans concluded that they consider the possibility to use the Debrecen data format as a starting point for the standardisation of SOTERIA datasets within the future virtual observatory system.