Solar Physics Research Group Curriculum Vitae Magyar

Judit Muraközy







TFOE0115 Introduction to astronomy (lectures, Debrecen University)


Solar activity, N-S asymmetry

Latitudinal distribution of sunspots

Sunspot's motions

Development and morphology of sunspot groups


Muraközy, J.: 2024, Variation in the polarity separation of sunspot groups throughout their evolution, Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted -arXiv

Muraközy, J.: 2024, Lifetime of Long-Lived Sunspot Groups, Universe, 10(8), 318 -PDF

Velasco Herrera, Victor Manuel; Soon, Willie; Babynets, Nelya; Muraközy, Judit; Tlatov, Andrey G.; Nagovitsyn, Yury A.; Qiu, Shican; Švanda, Michal; Velasco Herrera, Policarpo Arol: 2024, Reconstructing daily group sunspot numbers since the maunder minimum with objective inter-calibration algorithms, Advances in Space Research, 73 (5), 2788, 28pp. -ADS

Muraközy, J.: 2023, Napfoltocsoportok visszafejlődésének dinamikája, A Magyar Űrkutatási Fórum 2023 válogatott közleményei , MUF2023-K-07 -PDF

Muraközy, J.: 2022, Variations of the Internal Asymmetries of Sunspot Groups During Their Decay, The Astrophysical Journal, 925, 87, 6pp. -ADS

Velasco Herrera, Víctor Manuel; Soon, Willie; Hoyt, Douglas V.; Muraközy, Judit: 2022, Group Sunspot Numbers: A New Reconstruction of Sunspot Activity Variations from Historical Sunspot Records Using Algorithms from Machine Learning, Solar Physics, 297 (1), 8, 48pp. -ADS

Muraközy, J.: 2021, Napfoltcsoportok visszafejlődési sajátságai nagy felbontású idősorok vizsgálata alapján, Űrtan évkönyv, Magyar Asztronautikai Társaság (2021) 151 p. 77-86, 10pp. (informative article)

Muraközy, J.: 2021, On the Decay of Sunspot Groups and Their Internal Parts in Detail, The Astrophysical Journal, 908 (2), 133, 11pp. -arXiv -ADS

Muraközy, J.: 2020, Study of the Decay Rates of the Umbral Area of Sunspot Groups Using a High-Resolution Database, The Astrophysical Journal, 892 (2), 107, 7pp. -arXiv -ADS

Muraközy, J.: 2019, Foltcsoportok bomlása nagy felbontású adatsoron, A Magyar Űrkutatási Fórum 2019 válogatott közleményei , MUF2019-K12 -PDF

Muraközy, J.: 2019, Connection Between Solar Hemispheric Toroidal Cycles and Geomagnetic Variations, Solar Physics, 294, 46, 7pp. -ADS

Muraközy, J.: 2016, Phase Relationships of Solar Hemispheric Toroidal and Poloidal Cycles, The Astrophysical Journal, 826 (2), 145, 8pp, -arXiv -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Baranyi, T.; Ludmány, A.: 2016, An alternative measure of solar activity from detailed sunspot datasets, Solar Physics, 291(9), 2941-2950 -arXiv -ADS

Muraközy, J.: 2015, North-south differences during cycles 7-10, Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, 39, 29-33 -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Baranyi, T.; Ludmány, A.: 2014, Sunspot Group Development in High Temporal Resolution, Solar Physics, 289, 563-577 -arXiv -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2012, Phase lags of solar hemispheric cycles, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, 3624-3630 -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Baranyi, T.; Ludmány, A.: 2012, Development and morphology of leading-following parts of sunspot groups, Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, 36, 1-8 -ADS

Baranyi, T.; Gyenge, N.; Győri, L.; Korsós, M.; Ludmány, A.; Muraközy, J.: 2012, Változó Naptevékenység, Magyar Geofizika 53(3), 171-176

Baranyi, T.; Győri, L.; Ludmány, A.; Muraközy, J.: 2012, A naptevékenység vizsgálata növekvő felbontásban, Magyar Tudomány, 173 (12), 1413-1418

Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2011, Correlations of magnetic features and the torsional pattern, The Physics of Sun and Star Spots, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 273, 394-398 -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2011, Considerations on the Spörer-diagram - torsional wave relationship, Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, 35, 45-49 -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2010, North-south differences of solar cycles, Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, 34, 99-107 -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2008, Cycle dependence of the longitudinal-latitudinal sunspot motion correlations, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 486(3), 3624-3630 -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2008, Temporal Variations of Coriolis-turns in the Photosphere, Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, 32, 133-139 -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2006, Connection of sunspot's distribution with the torsional wave, Publications of the Astronomy Department of the Eötvös University (PADEU), 17, 23 -ADS

Győri, L.; Baranyi, T.; Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2005, Comparison of sunspot area data determined from ground-based and space-borne observation , Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 76, 985 -ADS

Győri, L.; Baranyi, T.; Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2005, Recent advances in the Debrecen sunspot catalogues, Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 76, 981 -ADS

Mező, Gy.; Baranyi, T.; Muraközy, J.; Győri, L.: 2005, East-West Asymmetry on the Solar Disk, Hvar Observatory Bulletin, 29, 99-107 -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Ludmány, A.: 2005, Search for Possible Connections of Sunspot Features and Torsional Waves, Hvar Observatory Bulletin, 29, 31-37 -ADS

Mező, Gy.; Baranyi, T.; Muraközy, J.; Győri, L.: 2004, Statistical study of the East-West asymmetry of sunspots, Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity, IAU Symposium, 223, 285-286 -ADS

Muraközy, J.; Vince, I.; Ludmány, A.: 2003, Instrumental profile of the Debrecen solar spectrograph, Serbian Astronomical Journal, 167, 81 -ADS


16th Workshop on Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere, 2024, Primorsko, Bulgaria (poster)

The 2023 Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting, 2023, Koriyama, Japan (poster)

Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 20th Annual Meeting, 2023, Singapore (talk)

IUGG, The 28th General Assembly, 2023, Berlin, Germany (talk)

Hungarian Space Research Forum 2023, 2023, Sopron, Hungary (talk)

2022 Workshop Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere, 2022, Primorsko, online, Bulgaria (talk)

Hungarian Space Research Forum 2021, 2021, Budapest, online form, Hungary

2021 Workshop Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere, 2021, Primorsko, online, Bulgaria (talk)

XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, 2021, Online meeting, Croatia (talk)

43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2021, Sydney, Australia (invited talk, online)

16th European Space Weather Week, 2019, Liege, Belgium (posters)

Space Climate Symposium 7, 2019, Orford, Canada (posters)

Eleventh Workshop Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere, 2019, Primorsko, Bulgaria (talk, poster)

Hungarian Space Research Forum 2019, 2019, Sopron, Hungary (talk, poster)

Tenth Workshop Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere, 2018, Primorsko, Bulgaria (invited talk, talk)

UN/US International Space Weather Initiative Workshop: The Decade after the International Heliophysical Year 2007, 2017, Boston (MA), USA (posters)

Space Climate Symposium 6, 2016, Levi, Finland (talk)

Hungarian Space Research Forum, 2015, Sopron, Hungary (talk)

Sunspot formation: theory, simulation and observations, 2015, Stockholm, Sweeden (talk)

Annual eHEROES meeting, 2015, Leuven, Belgium

XIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, 2014, Hvar, Croatia (talk)

Meeting of Hungarian Astronomers 2013, 2013, Galyatető, Hungary (talk)

XXVIII. Seminary of Ionosphere's- and Magnetosphere's Physics, 2013, Kecskemét, Hungary (talk)

3rd SSN Workshop, 2013, Tucson, AZ, USA

NSO Workshop #26, 2012, Sunspot, NM, USA (talk)

KO Seminar, 2011, Budapest, Hungary (talk)

5th Central European Solar Physics Meeting, 2011, Bairisch-Kölldorf, Austria (talk)

3rd SOTERIA General Meeting, 2011, Leuven, Belgium

KO Seminar, 2011, Budapest, Hungary (talk)

Capacity Building Workshop, 2011, Brussels, Belgium

10th Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, The Active Sun, 2010, Hvar, Croatia (poster)

IAU273 Symposium, 2010, Ventura, CA, USA (poster)

SCOSTEP's STP12 Symposium, 2010, Berlin, Germany (poster)

1st General SOTERIA Meeting, 2010, Davos, Switzerland (talk)

4th Central European Solar Physics Meeting, 2009, Bairisch-Kölldorf, Austria (talk)

Sixth European Space Weather Week (ESWW6), 2009, Brugge, Belgium

Territorial Meeting of Hungarian Astronomers in the International Year of Astronomy, 2009, Balatonlelle, Hungary (talk)

4th Central European Solar Physics Meeting, 2009, Bairisch-Kölldorf, Austria (talk)

IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, 2009, Sopron, Hungary (talk)

Space Climate Symposium, ‏2009, Saariselka, Finnland (poster)

1st Arabic Conference, 2008, Cairo, Egypt

3rd Central European Solar Physics Meeting, 2011, Bairisch-Kölldorf, Austria (talk)

Astronomical Seminary, 2007, Budapest, Hungary (talk)

XXV. Seminary of Ionosphere's- and Magnetosphere's Physics, 2006, Sopron, Hungary (talk)

VIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Dinamical Processes in the Solar Atmosphere, 2006, Hvar, Croatia (poster)

Workshop on Solar Flares and initialisation of CME's, 2006, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia (poster)

Meeting of Young Astronomers and Astrophysics Researchers IV., 2006, Budapest, Hungary (talk)

Solar Variability and Earth Climate, 2005, Rome, Italy (poster)

XXIV. Seminary of Ionosphere's- and Magnetoshere's Physics, Spaceweather and Its Effects, 2004, Debrecen, Hungary (talk)

VIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Solar Activity Cycle and Global Phenomena, 2004, Hvar, Croatia (poster)


8th Heliophysics Summer School, 2014, Boulder, CO, USA

International Advanced School on Space Weather Modelling and Applications, 2010, Miramare-Triest, Italy

Oslo Summer School on Radiative Transfer and Numerical MHD, 2007, Oslo, Norway

3rd ESMN School on Solar Magnetometry and Solar Magnetism, 2004, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia

Refreshed: September 02, 2024