The production of data was done within the
SOTERIA (SOlar-TERrestrial Investigations and Archives) project
(FP7/SP1-Cooperation/1, Nov 2008 - 31 Oct 2011). The aim of the
related tasks was to cover the entire SOHO-era with the most
detailed data of sunspots, sunspot groups and photospheric
faculae derived from MDI (Michelson Doppler Imager) continuum
images and magnetograms with a ~1 image/hour temporal
MDI data are available by courtesy of the SOHO/MDI research
group at Stanford University. SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory) is a mission of international cooperation between
Data and Image Products:
ftp) Additional tables:
tilt angles of sunspot groups derived from SDD.
tool: MySQL
query for SDD
The research leading to
these results has received funding from the European
Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)
under grant agreement n° 218816. The EC contribution to
the costs of the SDD project was 75%, 10% of the costs
was supported by National Development Agency (Nemzeti
Fejlesztési Ügynökség) under grant
agreement n°
BONUS_HU_08- BONUS_HU_08/2009-003, 15% was the institutional
Format of the SOHO/MDI - Debrecen
Sunspot Data (SDD) catalogue:
same method is used as in the case of production of
Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD)
sunspot catalogue, and the software of the DPD has been suitably
modified in order to adapt to SOHO/MDI full-disk continuum (Ic)
images. The SDD yields the position and area data of all
observable sunspots on an about hourly basis (30 min =< t
< day) of MDI observations as well as the digitized images of
sunspot groups. The text files contain the sunspot data (see
images of the sunspot groups show the measured spots. The
full-disk facular data have the same format as full-disk sunspot
data, but umbral areas are obviously not measured for faculae,
and the first column of magnetic data contains the LOS magnetic
field value at the brightest pixel within the facular contour in
the intensity image.
We use the Full Disk Continuum images (fd_Ic_01h) from the
Hourly Data Sets (from High Rate Science) Level 1.8. In this
data set there are observations with different time resolution
(from one/day to one/min) in different time intervals. In the
latest years usually there is one Ic image per hour but not in
every hours. To get a data set with a more or less regular time
resolution that contains the most available images we have
decided to use one image/hour time resolution. The best
available Ic image is chosen within the time interval (hour - 30
min, hour + 30 min) which is the closest to the center of the
time interval. If there is no Ic image in a given interval, the
gap is filled with a Full Disk Continuum filtergram image
(fd_I0_01h) when it is available. The measured Ic and I0
images are also published in our FTP archive in the original
form. File name convention: I_yyyymmdd_hhmmss. During the
measuring process the selected full disk intensity images are
enlarged (3x), filtered, corrected for limb darkening, and
transformed to negative. If the P_ANGLE of the image
is 180 degree then the processed image is
rotated to the normal position,
otherwise the image preserves its original
The large amount of the available magnetograms allows for us to
choose the magnetogram closest in time to the Ic image, and
determine the magnetic field of the spots. Mean values of the
line-of-sight magnetic field are computed if Ic images and
magnetograms are available within 50 min. The best available
magnetograms closest in time to the intensity images are chosen
from the merged data sets of Full Disk Magnetograms of the
Hourly Data Sets (from High Rate Science) and Daily Data Sets
(from Low Rate Science & Synoptic) Level 1.8 (fd_M_01h and
fd_M_96m_01d). All the magnetograms used in the catalogue and
are available on-line. File name convention: M_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.
The set of images contains the Ic images with the nearest
magnetograms selected after using quality-filters
and time sequence criteria. If an hourly data is missing,
it means that there is no Ic observation within the given time
interval, or the available Ic observation is not measurable
(perfect), or there are no measurable Ic images and magnetograms
available with less than 50 min time difference.
The full-disk version of the SDD catalogue (fdSDD) is based on
the same hourly time resolution MDI observations, but the spots
are numbered by the computer program on the basis of their
longitude and they is not assigned to sunspot groups. In the
fdSDD catalogue all sunspots have their area, position and
magnetic field values similar to SDD sunspot group catalogue. In
this case the "g" raws are sums over the whole disk, which have
no real physical meaning, but these raws are remained unchanged
keep the format, and in this form they show
the excess of one of the polarities of the line-of-sight
magnetic field concentrated in spots.
of SDD was produced during the ESA-PECS project
entitled "
MDI - DPD catalogue studies" (2004-2007). The data (
and images (
for 1996 are still available as samples for the results of this
The whole set of data is reprocessed during the SOTERIA project
because the MDI magnetograms were recalibrated at the end of
Contact person: T.
Baranyi (baranyi[at]
Related sites:
MDI home page
Feature Catalogue
The Solar
and Heliospheric Observatory -- SOHO