supported by the European Community's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013 ) under grant agreement No. 218816 (SP1-Cooperation/1 Nov 2008 - 31 Oct 2011)
Welcome to
the webpage of Work Package 2 (Photosphere)
published by WP2: SOHO/MDI - Debrecen Data (SDD)- SOHO/MDI sunspot and facular data and images - MySQL query for SDD Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD) - ground-based (or space-borne) white-light sunspot data and images (publication and revision of data for the SOHO era in the frame of the project) - MySQL query for DPD SIDC Web interface - scanned USET drawings (20000 drawings over 71 years) Ground-based full-disc white-light broad-band or continuum images: ROB (USET telescopes) UNIGRAZ (Kanzelhoehe Solar Observatory) OBSPARIS (BASS2000) Event in Debrecen: SOTERIA 2nd General Meeting, 5-7 Oct. 2010 |
white-light observation (08:05:22 UT) taken at Gyula Observing Station
of Debrecen Observatory. |
The same part of the Sun in the SOHO/MDI
continuum image (07:59:33 UT). SOHO is a project of international
cooperation between ESA and NASA. |
The same part of
the SOHO/MDI line-of-sight magnetogram (07:59:03 UT) shows that there
are umbrae with opposite polarities in the large common penumbra. |
Minutes of
the kick-off meeting of WP2