GYŐRI, L., LUDMÁNY, A., BARANYI, T., : 2017, Comparative analysis of Debrecen sunspot catalogues, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465, (2), 1259-1273, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw2667, arXiv Final - Version of Record
GYENGE, N.; Singh, T.; Kiss, T. S.; Srivastava, A. K.; Erdélyi, R.: 2017, Active Longitude and Coronal Mass Ejection Occurrences, ApJ, 838, Issue 1, article id. 18 doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aa5272
Kiss, T. S.; GYENGE, N.; Erdélyi, R.: 2017, Systematic Variations of Macrospicule Properties Observed by SDO/AIA over Half a Decade, ApJ, 835, Issue 1, article id. 47 doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aa5272
BARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2016, On-line Tools for Solar Data Compiled in the Debrecen Observatory and their Extensions with the Greenwich Sunspot Data, Solar Phys., 291, Issue 9-10, pp. 3081-3102, doi:10.1007/s11207-016-0930-1, arXiv e-print
BARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2016, Heritage of Konkoly's Solar Observations: the Debrecen Photoheliograph Programme and the Debrecen Sunspot Databases, In: Koci, E. (ed.) Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the death of Dr. Nicolaus Thege-Konkoly, and 145th anniversary of the founding of the Hurbanovo Observatory, Hurbanovo, Szlovákia, 2016.05.18-2016.05.20. Slovenska Ustredna Hvezdaren, pp. 29-36., arXiv e-print
GYENGE, N., Ballai, I., BARANYI, T. : 2016, Statistical study of spatio-temporal distribution of precursor solar flares associated with major flares, MNRAS, 459, Issue 4, 3532-3539, doi:10.1093/mnras/stw859, arXiv e-print
MURAKÖZY, J., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2016, An alternative measure of solar activity from detailed sunspot datasets, Solar Physics, 291, Issue 9-10, pp. 2941-2950, doi:10.1007/s11207-016-0898-x, arXiv e-print
MURAKÖZY, J.: 2016, Phase Relationships of Solar Hemispheric Toroidal and Poloidal Cycles, ApJ, 826, Issue 2, article id. 145, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/826/2/145, arXiv e-print
GYENGE, N., LUDMÁNY, A., BARANYI, T.: 2016, Active Longitude and Solar Flare Occurrences, ApJ, Volume 818, Issue 2, article id. 127, 8 pp. doi:10.3847/0004-637X/818/2/127
Nelson, C. J.; Doyle, J. G.; Erdélyi, R.: 2016, On the relationship between magnetic cancellation and UV burst formation, MNRAS, Volume 463, Issue 2, p.2190-2201, doi:10.1093/mnras/stw2034
Hague, A., Erdélyi R.: 2016, Buoyancy-driven Magnetohydrodynamic Waves, ApJ, Volume 828, Issue 2, article id. 88, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/828/2/88
Korsós M. B., Erdélyi R.: 2016, On the state of a solar active region before flares and CMEs, ApJ, Volume 823, Issue 2, article id. 153, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/823/2/153
Mather J. F., Erdélyi R.: 2016, Magneto-acoustic waves in a gravitationally stratified magnetized plasma: Eigen-solutions and their applications to the solar atmosphere, ApJ, Volume 822, Issue 2, article id. 116, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/822/2/116
Barbulescu, M., Erdélyi, R.: 2016, Propagation of Long-Wavelength Nonlinear Slow Sausage Waves in Stratified Magnetic Flux Tubes, Solar Physics, doi: 10.1007/s11207-016-0906-1
Nagy, M., Petrovay, K., Erdélyi, R.: 2016, The Atlanto-Pacific multidecade oscillation and its imprint on the global temperature record, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3179-3
Freij, N.,Dorotovič, I.,Morton, R. J., Ruderman, M. S., Karlovský, V., Erdélyi, R.: 2016, On the properties of slow mhd sausage waves within small-scale photospheric magnetic structures, ApJ, Volume 817, Issue 1, article id. 44, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/817/1/44
MURAKÖZY, J. North-south differences during cycles 7-10, Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, Vol. 39, p. 29-33
Grant, S. D. T.; Jess, D. B.; Moreels, M. G.; Morton, R. J.; Christian, D. J.; Giagkiozis, I.; Verth, G.; Fedun, V.; Keys, P. H.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; ERDÉLYI, R. Wave Damping Observed in Upwardly Propagating Sausage-mode Oscillations Contained within a Magnetic Pore, ApJ, Volume 806, Issue 1, article id. 132, 14 pp. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/806/1/132
Bennett, S. M.; ERDÉLYI, R. On the Statistics of Macrospicules, ApJ, Volume 808, Issue 2, article id. 135, 9 pp. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/808/2/135
Zheng, R.; KORSÓS, M. B.; ERDÉLYI, R. Semicircular-like Secondary Flare Ribbons Associated with a Failed Eruption, ApJ, Volume 809, Issue 1, article id. 45, 9 pp. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/809/1/45
Giagkiozis, I.; Fedun, V.; ERDÉLYI, R.; Verth, G. Axisymmetric Modes in Magnetic Flux Tubes with Internal and External Magnetic Twist, ApJ, Volume 810, Issue 1, article id. 53, 12 pp. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/810/1/53
Mumford, S. J., ERDÉLYI, R. Photospheric logarithmic velocity spirals as MHD wave generation mechanisms Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449, pp.1679-1685, 2015 DOI 10.1093/mnras/stv365 ADS link | PDF | HTML
GYŐRI, L.: 2015, Automation of tracking various sunspot group entities and demonstrating its usage on the flaring NOAA AR 11429, Solar Phys. 290, 1627-1645, DOI:10.1007/s11207-015-0714-z, PDF preprint
GYENGE, N., Bennett, S., ERDÉLYI, R.: 2015, Non-homogeneous Behaviour of the Spatial Distribution of Macrospicules, JAA, 36, 103-109, doi:10.1007/s12036-015-9316-2, PDF preprint
KORSÓS, M. B., GYENGE, N., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2015, Dynamic Precursors of Flares in Active Region NOAA 10486, JAA, 36, 111-121, doi:10.1007/s12036-015-9329-x, PDF preprint
KORSÓS, M. B., LUDMÁNY, A., ERDÉLYI, R., BARANYI, T.: 2015, On flare predictability based on sunspot group evolution, ApJ, 802, L21, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/802/2/L21 , PDF preprint
Wang, Y.-M., Colaninno, R. C., BARANYI, T., Li, J.: 2015, Active-Region Tilt Angles: Magnetic Versus White-Light Determinations of Joy's Law, ApJ, 798, 50, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/798/1/50 , PDF preprint
BARANYI, T.: 2015, Comparison of Debrecen and Mount Wilson/Kodaikanal sunspot group tilt angles and the Joy's law, MNRAS, 447, (4): 1857-1865, doi:10.1093/mnras/stu2572, PDF preprint
KORSÓS, M. B., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2014, Pre-flare dynamics of sunspot groups, ApJ, 789, 107, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/789/2/107, PDF preprint
Balázs, L. G., GYENGE, N., KORSÓS, M. B., BARANYI, T., Forgács-Dajka, E., Ballai, I.: 2014, Statistical relationship between the succeeding solar flares detected by the RHESSI satellite, MNRAS, 441, 1157-1165, doi:10.1093/mnras/stu609, PDF preprint
MURAKÖZY,J., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2014, Sunspot group development in high temporal resolution, Solar Phys., 289, 563-577, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-013-0416-3, PDF preprint
GYENGE, N., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2014, Migration and extension of solar active longitudinal zones, Solar Phys., 289, 579-591, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-013-0424-3, PDF preprint
KORSÓS, M. B., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2013, Study of sunspot group morphological variations leading to flaring events, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 37, 425-434 PDF preprint
GYENGE, N., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2013, Variations of solar non-axisymmetric activity, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 37, 417-424 PDF preprint
BARANYI, T., Király, S., Coffey, H. E.: 2013, Indirect comparison of Debrecen and Greenwich daily sums of sunspot areas, MNRAS, 434 (2), 1713-1720, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stt1134, PDF preprint
GYENGE, N., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2012, Distribution of activity at the solar active longitudes between 1979 - 2011 in the northern hemisphere, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 36, 9-16. PDF
MURAKÖZY, J., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2012, Development and morphology of leading-following parts of sunspot groups, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 36, 1-8. PDF
GYŐRI, L.: 2012, Study of differences between sunspot and white light facular area data determined from SDO/HMI and SOHO/MDI observations, Solar Physics, 280, 365-378, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-012-9987-7, PDF preprint
BARANYI, T., Pap, J.M.: 2012, Active region properties and irradiance variations, Advances in Space Research, 50, 676-682, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2011.11.037, PDF preprint
MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2011, Phase-lags of solar hemispheric cycles, MNRAS, 419, 3624-3630., DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.20011.x PDF preprint
Poljančić, I., Brajša, R., Hržina, D., Wöhl, H., Hanslmeier, A., Pötzi, W., BARANYI, T., Özgüç, A., Singh, J., Ruždjak, V.: 2011, Differences in Heliographic Positions and Rotation Velocities of Sunspot Groups from Various Observatories, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 35, 59-70, PDF
MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2011, Correlations of magnetic features and the torsional pattern, IAU Symp., 273, 394-398., DOI:10.1017/S1743921311015626, PDF preprint
Lefèvre, L., Clette, F., BARANYI, T.: 2011, In-depth survey of sunspot and active region catalogs, IAU Symp., 273., August 2010, 221-225., DOI:10.1017/S1743921311015286
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2011, Photospheric data programs at the Debrecen Observatory, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 6, Symposium S273, August 2010, 403-407., DOI:10.1017/S174392131101564X, PDF preprint
MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2011, Considerations on the Spörer-diagram – Torsional Wave Relationship, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 35, 45-49. PDF
GYŐRI, L.: 2010, Precise Determination of the Orientation of the Solar Image, Solar Physics, 267, 445-461, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-010-9663-8
MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2010, North-south differences of solar cycles, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 34, 99. PDF
MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2008, Temporal Variations of Coriolis-turns in the Photosphere, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 32, 133-139, PDF
MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2008, Cycle dependence of the longitudinal-latitudinal sunspot motion correlations, A&A 486, 1003-1007, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20078456, PDF
MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2006, Connection of sunspot's distribution with the torsional wave, In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics; Budapest, Hungary, 11-13 January, 2006; Publications of the Astronomy Department of the Eötvös University (PADEU), (Edited by E. Forgács-Dajka), 17, 23, PDF
MEZŐ, G., BARANYI, T.:2006, East-West Asymmetry in the sunspot number distribution on the basis of different sunspots catalogues, In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics; Budapest, Hungary, 11-13 January, 2006; Publications of the Astronomy Department of the Eötvös University (PADEU), (Edited by E. Forgács-Dajka), 17, 15, PDF
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T.: 2006, Comparison of SOHO and Debrecen Photoheliographic Data sunspot areas for the years 1996 and 1997, Proc. SOHO-17: 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, 7 – 12 May 2006, Giardini Naxos, Sicily (Italy), Edited by H. Lacoste and L. Ouwehand, ESA SP-617, European Space Agency, 2006, Published on CDROM, p.130.1, PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2006, Possible north–south asymmetry related to the mean Bz of interplanetary coronal mass ejections, Adv. Space Res., 38 (Issue 5), 931, PDF
MEZŐ, G., BARANYI, T.: 2005, HTML presentation of the Debrecen Photoheliographic Data sunspot catalogue, Mem. S.A.It., 76, 1004, PDF
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2005, Comparison of sunspot area data determined from ground-based and space-borne observation, Mem. S.A.It., 76, 985, PDF
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2005, Recent advances in the Debrecen sunspot catalogues, Mem. S.A.It., 76, 981, PDF
Vince, I., Vince, O., LUDMÁNY, A., Andriyenko, O.: 2005, The Mn I 539.47 nm line variation in solar active regions, Solar Physics, 229, 273-285, PDF
GYŐRI, L. : 2005, Automated determination of the alignment of solar images, Hvar Obs. Bull., 29, 299-308, PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2005, Geoeffective and climate-influencing solar and interplanetary conditions, Hvar Obs. Bull., 29, 251-260, PDF
MEZŐ, G., MURAKÖZY, J., BARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L.: 2005, East-West asymmetry on the solar disk, Hvar Obs. Bull., 29, 99-107, PDF
MURAKÖZY, J., MEZŐ, G., LUDMÁNY, A., GYŐRI, L.: 2005, Search for possible connections of sunspot features and torsional waves, Hvar Obs. Bull., 29, 31-37, PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2005, Symmetric or asymmetric energy transfer from Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections to the magnetosphere depending on the solar dipole, Adv. Space Res., 35, 421-425, PDF
MEZŐ, G., BARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L.: 2005, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data and its comparison with other sunspot databases, in: Solar Magnetic Phenomena, (Proc. "Solar Magnetic Phenomena" Summer School and Workshop at the Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory, 2003), eds.: A. Hanslmeier, A. Veronig and M. Messerotti, Astrophys. Space Sci. Library, 320, 247-250, PDF
MEZŐ, G., BARANYI, T., URAKÖZY, J., GYŐRI, L.: 2004, Statistical study of the East-West asymmetry of sunspots, in: Proc. IAU Symposium No.223 "Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity", eds: A. V. Stepanov, E. E. Benevolenskaya, and A. G. Kosovichev, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 285-286, PDF
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A., GERLEI, O., CSEPURA, G., MEZŐ, G.: 2004, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1993-95, Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Series, 17-19, 1-85, ftp
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., Turmon, M., Pap, J.M.: 2004, Study of differences between sunspot area data determined from ground-based and space-borne observations, Adv. Space Res., 34, 269-273, PDF
TÓTH,L., GERLEI,O.: 2004, On the dynamic disconnection of rising omega loops, Solar Phys., 220, 43-59
GYŐRI, L.: 2003, Compiling sunspot catalogue: the princeples, Proc. SIRW Meeting, (Oct. 23-24, 2003, Royal Observatory of Belgium), CD-ROM, PDF
Szasz,C., Kero, J., BARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L., LUDMÁNY,A., MEZŐ, G.: 2003, An active region quasi-biennial oscillation, ESA SP-535 (Proc. ISCS 2003: Solar variability as an input to the Earth's environment, June 23-28, 2003, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovak Republic), 153-155, PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY,A.: 2003, Semiannual behaviour of monthly mean of Bz component of geoeffective (Kp>3) coronal mass ejections , ESA SP-535 (Proc. ISCS 2003: Solar variability as an input to the Earth's environment, June 23-28, 2003, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovak Republic), 563-566, PDF
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY,A., MEZŐ, G.: 2003, Current status of the Debrecen Photoheliographic Data, ESA SP-535 (Proc. ISCS 2003: Solar variability as an input to the Earth's environment, June 23-28, 2003, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovak Republic), 707-710, PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2003, Effects of solar polarity reversals on geoeffective plasma streams, J. Geophys. Res., 108, No. A5, 1212, doi:10.1029/2002JA009553, PDF preprint
MURAKÖZY, J., Vince, I., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2003, Instrumental profile of the Debrecen Solar Spectrograph, Serb. Astron. J., 167, 81 - 85, PDF
TÓTH, L., Szegedi, S.: 2003, Impacts of space weather on sea-level pressure over the auroral oval, Weather, 58, 229-239
TÓTH, L., GERLEI, O.: 2003, On the orientational relaxation of bipolar active regions, Publ. Astr. Dept. Eötvös Univ. (Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Turbulence, Waves and Instablities in the Solar Plasma), 95-100, PDF
LUDMÁNY, A., Major, B., Nakariakov, V.M.: 2003, Quasi-periodic behaviour of a flare ribbon system, Publ. Astr. Dept. Eötvös Univ. (Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Turbulence, Waves and Instablities in the Solar Plasma), Budapest, 2002, 139-143, pdf
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2002, Geoeffective factors of solar plasma streams, ESA SP-506 (Proc. 10th European Solar Phys. Meet. : Solar variability: from core to outer frontiers, 9 - 14 Sep. 2002, Prague, Czech Republic), 109-113, PDF
TÓTH, L., MEZŐ, Gy., GERLEI, O.: 2002, Haynald Observatory Photosphere Observations 1880-1919, JHA, 33, 278, ftp
KÁLMÁN, B.: 2002, On the outer boundary of the sunspot penumbra, Solar Phys., 209, 109-117, PDF
Major, B., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2002, Pulsational course of the flare in 19th of July 1999, ESA SP-505 (Proc. of the Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere Euroconf. and IAU Coll. 188, 11 - 15 June 2002, Santorini, Greece), 493-495, PDF
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., Turmon, M., Pap, J.M.: 2002, Comparison of image-processing methods to extract solar features, ESA SP-508 ( Proc. SOHO-11, Davos, 2002), 203-208, PDF
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Schmieder, B., BARANYI, T.: 2002, Evolution of the source region of the interplanetary magnetic cloud of 18-20 Oct. 1995, Adv. Space Res., 29 (10), 1489-1492, PDF
Peterova, N.G., Soloviev, A.A., CSEPURA, G.: 2001, On the sudden depression of radio emission from plasma above a fast-moving sunspot, Solar Phys.,201,137-152.
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2001, Relevance of the topologies of solar ejected plasmas in tropospheric processes, ESA SP-477 (Proc. of the Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconf., 24 - 29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense, Italy), 423-426, PDFBARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L., LUDMÁNY, A., Coffey, H.E.: 2001, Comparison of sunspot area data bases, Monthly Notices of R.A.S., 323(1), 223-230, PDF
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A., GERLEI, O., CSEPURA, G.: 2001, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1988, Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Series, 12, 1-60, ftp
TÓTH, L., Szegedi, S.: 2000, Relationships between ionospheric disturbances and changes of sea level pressure over the Arctic, ESA SP-463 (Proc. Euroconference: The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, Sep. 25-30, 2000), 529-531.
TÓTH, L., GERLEI, O.: 2000, Tilt angle variation through the 14th sunspot cycle, ESA SP-463 (Proc. Euroconference: The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, Sep. 25-30, 2000), 439-441.
LUDMÁNY, A., BARANYI, T.: 2000, Comparative study of the atmospheric effects driven by irradiance vs. corpuscular radiation, ESA SP-463 (Proc. Euroconference: The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, Sep. 25-30, 2000), 141-144, html, PDF
Medovarszki, T., Bencze, P., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2000, Considerations about the ionospheric effects of the 1999 eclipse, Proc. 15. Solar Coelostat Seminar, 2000, Hurbanovo, Slovak Republic, PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2000, Efficiency factors in the solar-tropospheric relations in: W. Schröder ed.: Long and Short Term Variability in Sun's History and Global Change, Interdivisional Commission on History of the IAGA, European Section. Newsletters of the Interd. Comm. History, 39, Science Edition, Bremen, 69-79, PDF
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., CSEPURA, G., GERLEI, O., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2000, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1987; with image supplements, Journal of Astronomical Data 6, 1, PDF
Lozitsky, V.G., Lozitska, N.I., Lozitsky, V.V., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A., MEZŐ, G.: Evolution of magnetic fields and chromospheric structures in solar flare on June 26, 1981 ESA-SP 448, (9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Florence, Italy, 1999) 853-858. PDF
LUDMÁNY, A., BARANYI, T., MEZŐ, G., TÓTH, L.: Clusters in solar active regions ESA-SP 448, (9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Florence, Italy, 1999) 613-615. PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A., GYŐRI, L., Coffey, H.E.: Comparison of three sunspot area databases ESA-SP 448, (9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Florence, Italy, 1999) 569-573. PDF
LUDMÁNY, A., BARANYI, T., MEZŐ, G.: 1999, Study of the fragmentation of solar active regions JOSO Annual Report 1998. PDF
Babin, A.N., Baranovskij, Eh.,A., Koval, A.N., KÁLMÁN, B., GERLEI, O.: 1998, The white-light flare of june 1991: observations and model calculations. Kinematics Phys.Celest.Bodies, 14, pp.253-261.
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., CSEPURA, G., GERLEI, O., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1998, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1986; with image supplements Journal of Astronomical Data 4, 2 (http://fenyi.solarobs.epss.hu/pub/DPD/DPD1986.dat)
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1998, Solar magnetic fields: models and observations APH N.S., Heavy Ion Physics 8, 247-258.
DEZSŐ, L., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1998, Sunspot motion and flare occurences in: Publ. of the Astron. Inst. of the Acad. of Sciences of the Czeh Republic No. 88. (Proc. XIVth Consultation on Solar Physics), B. Rompolt et al. (eds.), 17-20.
Bumba, V., Klvana, M., KÁLMÁN, B., Rompolt, B., Rudawy, P.: 1998, Chromospheric activity above changing photospheric magnetic and velocity fields of developing active regions in: Three-Dimensional Structure of Solar Active Regions (Proc. of 2nd Adv. in Solar Physics Euroconference) eds. C.E. Alessandrakis and B. Schmieder ASP Conference Series 155, 224-228.
LUDMÁNY, A., BARANYI, T.: 1998, An indirect hint to the torsion of magnetic fields above active regions JOSO Annual Report 1997, 88-89. PDF
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., BARANYI, T. Mein, N., Cader-Sroka, B., Rudawy, P., Mein, P., Rompolt, B., Schmieder, B., Malherbe, J.-M., Willson, R., Kile, J.N., Raoult, A.: 1998, Evolution of a reversed polarity active region in the photosphere, the chromosphere and the corona JOSO Annual Report 1997, 103-104. PDF
GYŐRI, L.: 1998, Automation of area measurement of sunspots Solar Phys. 180, 109-130.
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A., Coffey, H.: 1998, 22 year solar modulation of Earth's northern hemisphere temperatures, Geophys. Res. Lett. 25, 2269-2272., PDF
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., CSEPURA, G., GERLEI, O., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1998, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for the year 1987 Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Ser. 11, 1-45.
DEZSŐ, L., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1997, Sunspot motion and flare occurences in: The Earth and the Universe, G. Asteriadis et al. (eds.), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki: Ziti Editions, 3-9.
Gaizauskas, V., Zirker, J.B., Sweetland, C., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1997, Formation of a solar filament channel Astrophys. J. 479, 448-457.
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1997, Flow patterns around old spots and flare activity Astron. Astrophys. 327, 779-785.
Klein, K-L., Aurass, H., Soru-Escaut, I., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1997, Electron acceletation sites in a large-scale coronal structure, Astron. Astrophys. 320, 612-619.
Peterova, N.G., Szolovjev, A.A., CSEPURA, G.: 1997, Why has not been heated up the solar corona over a rapidly moving sunspot? (In Russian) in: Problemi Szovremennoj Radioasztronomii, Tom 2, (Proc. XXVII. Radioasztronomicseszkaja Konferencia 10-14 Nojabrja 1997 g) Ruszszkaja Akademija Nauk, Szankt-Peterburg, 36-37.
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., CSEPURA, G., Schmieder, B., Malherbe, J.-M., Metcalf, T.: 1997, Evolution of a delta-group in the photosphere and corona, Sol. Phys. 172, 151-160.
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1997, Some polarity conditions in corpuscular events. Sol. Phys. 173, 383-389. PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1996, Some particle effects in the solar-terrestrial relations. in: Solar Drivers of Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances (Proc. of XVIth Int.Workshop, NSO/Sac.Peak) eds.K.S. Balasubramaniam, S.L.Keil and R.N.Smartt, ASP Conference Series 95, 489-496. PDF
Bumba, V., Klvana, M., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1996, Doppler and proper motions accompanying formation of an additional magnetic flux in the mature solar active region (NOAA 7216) Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 118, 35-46.
Bumba, V., Klvana, M., KÁLMÁN, B., Garcia, A.: 1996, The 1991 southern hemisphere complex of activity Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 117, 291-301.
GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., CSEPURA, G., GERLEI, O., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1996, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for the year 1986 Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Ser. 10, 1-61.
Bumba, V., Klvana, M., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1996, The role of magnetic and motion field singularities in the development of active regions and their flaring activities. in: JOSO Annual Report 1995, 143.
Bumba, V., Klvana, M., KÁLMÁN, B., Garcia, A.: 1995, Have solar active complexes stellar analogues?(in Czech) in: Lukac,B. (ed.) Proc. of the Czech-Slovak Meeting on Solar Physics, Hurbanovo, 21.
CSEPURA, G., GYŐRI, L., Galal, A.A.: 1995, Sunspot proper motion and flare frequency in: Flares and Flashes (Proc. of IAU Coll. No. 151) eds: J. Greiner, H.W. Duerbeck, R.E. Gershberg, Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 45-46.
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A., Terdik, Gy.: 1995, Semiannual fluctuation depending on the polarity of the solar main magnetic dipole field Journal of Geophysical Research 100, No. A8, 14801-14805. PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1995, Giant convective rolls and sunspot group tilts, Publ. Obs. Astron. Belgrade 49, 81-88. PDF
CSEPURA, G., GYŐRI, L., GERLEI, O.: 1995, Sunspot proper motion in two nearby active regions Publ. Obs. Astron. Belgrade 49, 121-125.
CSEPURA, G., GYŐRI, L.: 1995, Connection between sunspot proper motion and flare frequency Publ. Obs. Astron. Belgrade 49, 115-119.
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1995, Role of the solar main magnetic dipole field in the solar-tropospheric relations. Part II. Dependence on the types of solar sources, Annales Geophysicae 13, 886-892. PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1995, Role of the solar main magnetic dipole field in the solar-tropospheric relations. Part I. Semiannual fluctuations in Europe, Annales Geophysicae 13, 427-436. PDF
Fontenla, J.M., Ambastha, A., KÁLMÁN, B., CSEPURA, G.: 1995, The magnetic evolutionof AR 6555 which led to two impulsive, relatively compact, X-type flares Astrophys. J. 440, 894-906.
Bumba, V., Klvana, M., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1995, NOAA 6850: an inactive delta-configuration and its magnetic and velocity fields, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 109, 355-373.
DEZSŐ, L., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1994, On the differential rotation of the solar photosphere Sol. Phys. 151, 385-388.
DEZSŐ, L., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1994, On the differential rotation of the solar photosphere (Extended Abstract) in: Joint Organization for Solar Observations Annual Report 1993 ed. A.v. Alvensleben, Kiepenhauer Institute, Freiburg, 136.
DEZSŐ, L., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1994, An account of sunspot group developments on the basis of the "Debrecen Photoheliographic Results" in: Solar Magnetic Fields, eds: M. Schussler, W. Schmidt, Cambridge University Press, 55-57.
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Hofmann, A., Demoulin, P., Schmieder, B., CSEPURA, G.: 1994, Relationship between electric currents, photospheric motions, chromospheric activity, and magnetic field topology Sol. Phys. 149, 309-330.
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Demoulin, P., Schmieder, B., Hofmann, A., CSEPURA, G.: 1994, Twisted flux tubes and sunspot motions in AR 5555 in: Advances in Solar Physics (Proc. of 7th European Solar Meeting) eds: G. Belvedere, M. Rodono, B. Schmieder, G.M. Simnett, Catania Astrophys. Obs. Special Publ., 115-118.
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1994, Distinction between the climatic effects of the solar corpuscular and electromagnetic radiation, Sol. Phys. 152, 297-302. PDF
Schmieder, B., Hagyard, M.J., Ai,G., Yhang, H., KÁLMÁN, B., GYŐRI, L., Rompolt, B., Demoulin, P., Machado, M.E.: 1994, Relationship between magnetic field evolution and flaring sites in AR 6659 in June 1991 Sol. Phys. 150, 199-219.
Bumba, V., Klvana, M., KÁLMÁN, B., GYŐRI, L.: 1993, Line-of-sight and proper motions in the flaring June 1991 (NOAA 6659) active region, ASP Conference Series 46, 373-376.
GYŐRI, L.: 1993, Determination of atmospheric refraction from the distortion of the Sun's disc Astron. Astrophys. 278, 659-664.
Bumba, V., Klvana, M., KÁLMÁN, B., GYŐRI, L.: 1993, Evolution, activity, magnetic fields, line-of-sight and proper motions in the solar active region NOAA 6659 (June 3-16, 1991) Astron. Astrophys. 276, 193-210.
Schmieder, B., Demoulin, P., Hagyard, M., Machado, M.E., Ai, G., Yhang, H., Fu, Q., Li, Y., Luan, T., KÁLMÁN, B., GYŐRI, L.: 1993, Relationship between magnetic field evolution and flaring sites in AR 6659 in June 1991 Adv. Space Res. 13(9), 123-126.
Schmieder, B., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., GERLEI, O., Simnett, G.M.: 1993, A study of surges and flares within an active region, Sol. Phys. 146, 163-176.
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1993, Detection possibility of the giant rolls in the Sun, ASP Conference Series 40, 81-83. PDF
Demoulin, P., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Schmieder, B., Henoux, J.C., CSEPURA, G., Hagyard, M.J.: 1993, Evidence for magnetic reconnection in solar flares Astron. Astrophys. 271, 292-307.
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., CSEPURA, G., NAGY, I., GERLEI, O., Schmieder, B., Rayrole, J., Demoulin, P.: 1993, Common evolution of adjacent sunspot groups Sol. Phys. 145, 77-94.
KÁLMÁN,B.: 1992, Konkoly Thege's researches in solar physics Konkoly Observatory Monographs 1., 26-29.
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1992, Semiannual fluctuation and efficiency factors in sun-weather relations J. Geophys. Res. 97, No.A10, 14923-14928. PDF
GYŐRI, L., GERLEI, O., CSEPURA, G.: 1992, On the experimental determination of north direction of a heliogram Sol. Phys. 140, 199-202.
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1992, Study of possible subsurface influences on the emerging active regions Sol. Phys. 139, 247-254. PDF
VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI, L., Schmieder, B., Henoux, J.C., Simnett, G.M.: 1991, Flare activity and filament formations in two related sunspot groups In: Proc. Flare 22 Workshop "Dynamics of Solar Flares" eds. Schmieder,B. Priest,E. Obs. de Paris, DASOP, 27-28.
Schmieder, B., VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI, L., Henoux, J.C., Simnett, G.M.: 1991, Conditions for flare and filament formation in interacting solar active regions Astron. Astrophys. 244, 533-543.
Schmieder, B., VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI, L., Henoux, J.C., Simnett, G.M.: 1991, Flares and filament due to the interaction between two active regions Adv. Space Res. 11(5), 95-98.
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1991, Vector magnetic field measurements and penumbral structure Sol. Phys. 135, 299-317.
Hofmann, A., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1991, Electric currents and free energy in a flaring twisted field configuration (NOAA 4263), Astron. Astrophys. 241, 203-208.
Petrovay, K., Brown., J.C., VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI, L., Fletcher, L., Marik, M., Stewart, G.: 1990, Asymmetric flux loops in active regions II. Sol Phys. 127, 51-64.
VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI, L., Petrovay, K.: 1990, Asymmetric flux loops in active regions I. Sol. Phys. 126, 285-298.
Trevisan, R.H., Sawant, H.S., KÁLMÁN, B., GESZTELYI, L.: 1990, Homologous and homologous-like microwave solar radio bursts, Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrofis. 21, 557-561.
Alvensleben, A.V., Casas, R., CSEPURA, G., Lustig,G., Otruba, W., Schroll, A., Vazquez, M., Wittmann, A.D., Wohl, W.: 1990, Comparison of heliographic sunspot coordinates observed with seven different solar telescopes Astronomishe Gesellschaft Abstract 5, 43.
CSEPURA, G., VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI, L., NAGY, I., GERLEI, O., Schmieder, B., Rayrole, J.: 1990, Interaction between bipolar sunspot groups, Publ. Debrecen Obs.7, 88-91. PDF
CSEPURA, G., NAGY, I.: 1990, Proper Motions in Hale Regions 18405 and 18511 (2-14 June, 4-16 August 1982) Publ. Debrecen Obs. 7, 58-59. PDF
VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI, L., Brown, J.C., Henoux, J.C., Aboudarham, J., van den Oord, G.H.J., GERLEI, O., Farnik, F.: 1990, Negative Flares on the Sun Publ. Debrecen Obs. 7, 202-203. PDF
Henoux, J.C., Aboudarham, J., Brown, J.C., van den Oord, G.H.J., VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI, L., GERLEI, O.: 1990, Black and White Flares ? Astron. Astrophys. 233, 577-582.
Aboudarham, J., Henoux, J.C., Brown, J.C., van den Oord, G.H.J., VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI, L., GERLEI, O.: 1990, Effect of Electron Beams During Solar Flares Sol. Phys. 130, 243-251.
Hofmann, A., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1990, Currents and energy build-up in a flaring curled field configuration Publ. Debrecen Obs. 7, 112-113.
GYŐRI, L.: 1990, Derivations of the parameters necessary to determine the north direction of a heliogram Publ. Debrecen Obs. 7, 60-61. PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1990, Orientations of new sunspot groups. Publ. Debrecen Obs. 7, 114-115. PDF
Jakimiec, M., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1990, Problem of short-term prediction of solar flare activity, V. Spatial consistence between hard X-ray enhancement and strong X-ray appearance Acta Astron. 40, 305-311.
KOVÁCS, Á., DEZSŐ, L.: 1990, An analysis of surges triggered by a small flare Sol. Phys. 129, 313-324.
KOVÁCS, Á., DEZSŐ, L.: 1990, An analysis of surges triggered by a small flare (Extended Abstract) In: Dynamics of Quiescent Prominences (eds. V.Ruzdjak, E.Tandberg-Hanssen), Lecture Notes in Physics,363 Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 261.
Ishkov, V.N., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1989, Active region NOAA 4771/72 (July 1985): Complex morphology, little activity, interplanetary protons In: Solar Magnetic Fields and Corona (ed. R.B. Teplitskaya), Novosibirsk, Nauka, 150-155.
GYŐRI, L.: 1989, On the determination of the north direction of the Sun's image Sol. Phys. 120, 421-430.
Hofmann, A., Rendtel, J., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1988, Features of the vector magnetic field and dynamic chromospheric activity, In: Solar Maximum Analysis (ed. V.E. Stepanov et al.) Novosibirsk, Nauka, 263-266.
Ishkov, V.N., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1988, Flare Development and Magnetic Fields In: Solar Maximum Analysis (ed. V.E. Stepanov et al.) Novosibirsk, Nauka, 43-46.
KÁLMÁN, B., NAGY, I.: 1988, Activity and proper motion in HR 18474 (July 1982) In: Solar Maximum Analysis, (ed. V.E. Stepanov et al.) Novosibirsk, Nauka, 38-42.
GERLEI, O., Farnik, F., GESZTELYI, L.: 1988, Correlation of the time profiles of H-alpha and X-ray integral intensities of solar flares In: Solar Maximum Analysis (ed. V.E. Stepanov et al.) Novosibirsk, Nauka, 10-15.
CSEPURA, G., NAGY, I.: 1988, Sunspot motions before large flares (Hale Region 18405 during 3-9 June, 1982) In: Solar Maximum Analysis (ed. V.E. Stepanov et al.) Novosibirsk, Nauka, 47-50.
KOVÁCS, Á., DEZSŐ, L.: 1988, A period of low activity in a solar active region (SESC rgn. 2744 during 21-23 October, 1980) In: Solar Maximum Analysis (ed. V.E. Stepanov et al.) Novosibirsk, Nauka, 317-320.
Bumba, V., GESZTELYI, L.: 1988, Formation of the white-light flare region of April 1984 (NOAA 4474) within the 21st cycle of solar activity, Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 39, 86-92.
Bumba, V., GESZTELYI, L.: 1988, Solar global background field changes accompanying the development of the white-light flare region of April 1984 (NOAA 4474) Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 39, 1-7.
Raadu, M.A., Schmieder, B., Mein, N., GESZTELYI, L.: 1988, Photospheric induced destabilisation and ejection of prominence material, Astron. Astrophys. 197, 289-296.
Oláh, K., GESZTELYI, L. Holl, A.: 1987, Starspot proper motion in HK Lac Publ. Astron. Inst. Czech. Acad. Sci. 70, 95-98.
CSEPURA, G., NAGY, I.: 1987, Proper motions of the NOAA/USAF 3885 and 3886 Regions Publ. Astron. Inst. Czech. Acad. Sci. 66, 157-160.
Bumba, V., Hejna, L., GESZTELYI, L.: 1987, High flare activity and redistribution of solar global magnetic field Publ. Astron. Inst. Czech. Acad. Sci. 66, 129-131.
GERLEI, O.: 1987, Measurements of sunspot areas using video facilities in Debrecen and comparisons to some published Greenwich data, Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Ser. 1, 219-230. PDF
KOVÁCS, Á.: 1987, A comparison between Greenwich and Debrecen measurements of sunspot positions Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Ser. 1, 211-217. PDF
DEZSŐ, L.: 1987, An account of the Greenwich Photoheliographic Results of 1874-1976 and of Debrecen's first catalogue of 1977 Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Ser. 1, 231-242. PDF
DEZSŐ, L., GERLEI, O., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1987, Photoheliographic results for the year 1977 Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Ser. 1, 11-208. Preface and Introduction PDF
GESZTELYI, L., Pap, J.: 1987, Sunspot groups as tracers of radial differential rotation Publ. Astron. Inst. Czech. Acad. Sci. 66, 77-80.
DEZSŐ, L., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1987, Development of sunspot groups related to the solar differential rotation during the early period of a new solar cycle Publ. Astron. Inst. Czech. Acad. Sci. 66, 81-84.
Raadu, M.A., Schmieder, B., Mein, N., GESZTELYI, L.: 1987, Photospheric induced destabilisation and ejection of prominence material Hvar Obs. Bull. 11, 105-108.
Bumba, V., GESZTELYI, L.: 1987, Rotation of individual background magnetic field components during the formation of the white-light flare region of April 1984 (NOAA 4474) Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 38, 351-355.
Mouradian, Z., Martres, M.J., Soru-Escaut, I., GESZTELYI, L.: 1987, Local rigid rotation and the emergence of active centres, Astron. Astrophys. 183, 129-134.
Hofmann, A., Rendtel, J., Aurass, H., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1987, Flare and filament activation in an unusually distorted field configuration Sol. Phys. 108, 151-167.
LUDMÁNY, A.: 1986, Two-component modelling of sunspot spectral line profiles. Publ. Debrecen Obs. 6, 11-23. PDF
LUDMÁNY, A.: 1986, Study of spectral line asymmetry in sunspots. Publ. Debrecen Obs. 6, 5-10. PDF
Machado, M.E., Avrett, E.H., Falciani, R., Fang, C., GESZTELYI, L., Henoux, J-C., Hiei, E., Neidig, D.F., Rust, D.M., Sotirovski, P., Svestka, Z., Zirin, H.: 1986, White light flares and atmospheric modelling /Working group report/ In: The lower atmosphere of solar flares (ed. D.F.Neidig), NSO/Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, 483-488.
GESZTELYI, L., Karlicky, M., Farnik, F., GERLEI, O., Valnicek, B.: 1986, White-light flare of 26 July 1981. In: The lower atmosphere of solar flares (ed. D.F.Neidig), NSO/Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, 163-177.
Simon, G., GESZTELYI, L., Schmieder, B., Mein, N.: 1986, Filament eruption connected to photospheric activity In: Coronal and prominence plasmas (ed. A.I.Poland), NASA Conference Publ. 2442, 229-233.
Jakimiec, M., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1986, An analysys of the relationship between X-ray and H-alpha flares Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 15, Part 2, 671-672.
BARANYI, T.: 1986, Study of Solar H-alpha line profiles by means of filtergrams Publ. Debrecen Obs. 6, 25-37. PDF
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1986, Evolution of SESC Region 4520 /June 1984/ : Birth of a backwards-growing sunspot group Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 15, Part 2, 655-657.
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1986, Activity in Hale Region 18474 /July 1982/ Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 15, Part 1, 265-272.
Ruzdjak, V., Vrsnak, B., Hofmann, A., Krivsky, L., Markova, E., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1986, Flare occurrence in the complex of activity NOAA/USAF No.4201, May 29 - June 12, 1983 Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 15, Part 1, 257-263.
GESZTELYI, L.: 1986, Motion of small sunspots in a channel Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 15, Part 1, 251-256.
Borovik, A.V., Grigor'ev, V.M., Kargapolova, N.N., Merkulenko, V.E., Nefed'ev, V.P., Osak, B.F., Polyakov, V.I., Selivanov, V.P., Smol'kov, G.Ya., Yazev, S.A., Bulavina, V.I., Delone, A.B., Roshchina, E.M., Yakunina, G.V., Kartashova, G.L., Ogir', M.B., Stepanyan, N.N., Ioshpa, B.A., Starkova, L.I., Kulikova, E.Kh., Kozhevatov, I.E., Alibegov, M.M., Burov, V.A., Leonenko, S.P., Poperchenko, B.A., Bushchueva, T.P., Marchenko, G.P., KÁLMÁN, B., Sattarov, I., Ograpishvili, N.B., Lositskij, V.G., Orudzhev, Eh.: 1986, The development of the active region SD No.135. (June 1984) and its relation to the large-scale magnetic fields on the Sun Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 15, Part 1, 211-242.
KOVÁCS, Á., DEZSŐ, L.: 1986, Sunspot motion in Hale region No.18430 Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 15, Part 1, 103-110.
Bumba, V., KÁLMÁN, B., Klvana, M., Suda, J.: 1986, Kinematics of the May 1981 flare complex's field decrease (H.R. 17644) Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 37, 219-226.
DEZSŐ, L., Fludra, A., GERLEI, O., Jakimiec, J., KOVÁCS, Á., Pettauer, T.: 1986, On the quasi-homologous limb flares observed on 3 August 1981 Adv. Space Res. 6, No.6. 65-68.
KOVÁCS, Á., DEZSŐ, L.: 1986, Sunspot motion as precedents of increasing flare activity Adv. Space Res. 6, No.6. 29-32.
GESZTELYI, L., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1986, Sunspot proper motions in connection with the white-light flare of 25 April 1984, Adv. Space Res. 6, No.6. 21-24.
Gopasyuk, S.I., KÁLMÁN, B., Romanov, V.A.: 1985, Dynamics of sunspot motions and evolution of flare sites on the surface of the Sun In: Fizika Solnechnykh Vspyshek, Moskva, 52-61. (In Russian)
GYŐRI, L.: 1985, Imaging properties of a photoheliograph with a Lyot-plane shutter Sol. Phys. 99, 365-369.
Gopasyuk, S.I., KÁLMÁN, B., Romanov, V.A.: 1985, Evolution of an active region and its large-scale current system Izv. Krymskoj Astrofiz. Obs. 72, 171-183. (In Russian)
Ishkov, V.N., Markeev, A.K., Fomichev, V.V., Chernov, G.P., Chertok, I.M., Likin, O.B., Pisarenko, N.F., Karlicky, M., Tlamicha, A., Farnik, F., Valnicek, B., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1985, Analysis of the flare of May 16th, 1981 with a complex space-time structure using optical, X-ray data and radio observations Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 36, 81-96.
Simon, G., Mein, N., GESZTELYI, L.: 1984, Preflare activity of solar prominences Sol. Phys. 93, 325-336.
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1984, Magnetic field structure changes in the vicinity of solar flares Adv. Space Res. 4, No.7. 81-85.
DEZSŐ, L., CSEPURA, G., GERLEI, O., KOVÁCS, Á., NAGY, I.: 1984, Sunspot motions and magnetic shear as precursor of flares, Adv. Space Res. 4, No.7. 57-60.
Martin, S.F., Bentley, R.D., Schadee, A., Antalova, A., Kucera, A., DEZSŐ, L., GESZTELYI, L., Harvey, K.L., Jones, H., Livi, S.H.B, Wang, J.: 1984, Relationships of a growing magnetic flux region to flares Adv. Space Res. 4, No.7. 61-70.
GESZTELYI, L.: 1984, Consecutive homologous flares and their relations to sunspot motions Adv. Space Res. 4, No.7. 19-22.
Farnik, F., Kaastra, J., KÁLMÁN, B., Karlicky, M., Slottje, C., Valnicek, B.: 1983, X-ray, H-alpha and radio observations of the two-ribbon flare of 16 May 1981 Sol. Phys. 89, 355-378.
Gopasyuk, S.I., KÁLMÁN, B., Romanov, V.A.: 1983, Evolution of sunspot groups and formation of large-scale current structures in the solar atmosphere (In Russian) In: Problemy fiziki solnechnykh vspyshek, Moskva, 78-81.
Gopasyuk, S.I., KÁLMÁN, B., Romanov, V.A.: 1983, Separation of current structures in solar active regions In: Problemy fiziki solnechnykh vspyshek, Moskva, 66-71. (In Russian)
Gopasyuk, S.I., KÁLMÁN, B., Romanov, V.A.: 1983, Changes in the large-scale current systems in the course of the evolution of an active region, Publ. Debrecen Obs. 5, 249-266.
KÁLMÁN, B., NAGY, I.: 1983, Proper motion in Hale Region 17644 (May 1981) and the May 16 Flare Publ. Debrecen Obs. 5, 207-215.
Ishkov, V.N., Markeev, A.K., Fomichev, V.V., Chernov, G.P., Chertok, I.M., Likin, O.B., Pisarenko, N.F., Valnicek, B., Karlicky, M., Tlamicha, A., Farnik, F., KÁLMÁN, B.: 1983, Peculiarities in the development of flare on May 16, 1981 as observed in optical, X-rays and radio waves Publ. Debrecen Obs. 5, 193-206.
GESZTELYI, L., KONDÁS, L.: 1983, The Development of activity in Hale region 17098 (28 August 8 September 1980), Publ. Debrecen Obs. 5, 133-143.
NAGY, I.: 1983, Sunspot proper motions in the western part of Hale Region 16864 (May 25-29, 1980) Publ. Debrecen Obs. 5, 107-116.
LUDMÁNY, A.: 1983, Asymmetry of non-splitting spectral lines in sunspots Publ. Debrecen Obs. 5, 575-579. PDF
BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1983, Synthesis of H-alpha profiles from filter transmission functions Publ. Debrecen Obs. 5, 595-602. PDF
DEZSŐ, L., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1983, A note on flare loops Publ. Debrecen Obs. 5, 317-322.
Martin, S.F., DEZSŐ, L., Antalova, A., Kucera, A., Harvey, K.L.: 1983, Emerging magnetic flux, flares and filaments - FBS interval 16-23 June 1980, Adv. Space Res. 2, No.11. 39-51.
DEZSŐ, L.: 1982, Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory (Report from a Solar Observatory) Sol. Phys. 79, 195-199. PDF
KOVÁCS, Á., NAGY, I., BUKOVINSZKI, R.: 1981, A note on the activity in the SESC region 2470 In: Solar Maximum Year, 2, (ed. E.I.Mogilevsky et al.), Acad.Sci.USSR, IZMIRAN, Scientific Council for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Moskva, 232-236, 327-328.
DEZSŐ, L., KOVÁCS, Á.: 1981, A note on sunspot group development, spot motions and solar rotation Publ. Debrecen Obs. 4, 35-59.
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1981, A statistical investigation of the magnetic field vector in two complex sunspot groups Physica Solariterrestris 16, 145-151. (In Russian)
DEZSŐ, L., KÁLMÁN, B., KONDÁS, L.: 1981, Two-ribbon flares, observed in the period 5-9 October 1979 In: Solar Maximum Year, 2. (ed. E.I.Mogilevsky et al.), Acad.Sci.USSR, IZMIRAN, Scientific Council for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Moskva, 97-104, 305-306.
NAGY, I., LUDMÁNY, A.: 1980, The birth and development of a regular bipolar sunspot group. Publ. Debrecen Obs. 4, 3-31. PDF
DEZSŐ, L.: 1980, A note on some results of the Debrecen Observatory Hvar Obs. Bull. 4, No.1. 9-12. PDF
DEZSŐ, L., GESZTELYI, L., KONDÁS, L., KOVÁCS, Á., ROSTÁS, S.: 1980, Motions in the solar atmosphere associated with the white light flare of 11 July 1978, Sol. Phys. 67, 317-338.
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1979, Evolution of sunspot groups and their magnetic fields Soln. Dannye, Byull. No.1978/12, 69-76. (In Russian)
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1979, Connection between the structure of the sunspot penumbra and the magnetic field vector Izv. Krymskoj Astrofiz. Obs. 60, 114-127. (In Russian)
GUMAN, I.: 1977, Equidensitometric pictures of the white-light flare region on July 4, 1974 Publ. Debrecen Obs. 3, 233-237.
KOVÁCS, Á.: 1977, The development of the sunspot group associated with the white light flare of July 1974 Publ. Debrecen Obs. 3, 207-231.
GESZTELYI, L.: 1977, Umbral proper motions in the large sunspot group of the great flare activity of August 1972 Publ. Debrecen Obs. 3, 93-109.
LUDMÁNY, A.: 1977, The birth and initial stage of the large sunspot group of August 1972. Publ. Debrecen Obs. 3, 83-91. (In Russian) PDF
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1977, Magnetic fields and proper motions of sunspots II., Group No.42O, October 1968 Izv. Krymskoj Astrofiz. Obs. 57, 122-132. (In Russian)
KÁLMÁN, B.: 1976, Magnetic fields and proper motions of sunpots I. (In Russian) Izv. Krymskoj Astrofiz. Obs. 55, 60-69.
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