SOHO/MDI - Debrecen Sunspot Data (SDD)
published by Győri, L., Baranyi, T., Ludmány, A.
The production of data was done within the WP2(Photosphere) of
SOTERIA(SOlar-TERrestrial Investigations and Archives)
project (FP7/SP1-Cooperation/1, Nov 2008 - 31 Oct 2011). The aim of the related tasks was to cover the entire SOHO-era with the most detailed data of sunspots, sunspot groups and photospheric faculae derived from
MDI (Michelson Doppler Imager) continuum images and magnetograms with a ~1 image/hour temporal resolution. The MDI data are available by courtesy of the SOHO/MDI research group at Stanford University.
SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) is a mission of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.
Data and Image Products: (All ftp)
Additional tables: tilt angles of sunspot groups derived from SDD.
Additional tool: MySQL query for SDD
Graphical presentation of sunspots of the year
Selected original Level 1.8. full-disk images: Continuum intensity (fits.gz) / Magnetograms (fits.gz)
Processed enlarged full-disk images (solar north at the top): Contrast enhanced intensity images (jpg) / Magnetograms (jpg)
Sunspot and sunspot group data (see SDDformat.txt):
- Full-disk catalogue of sunspots (txt) / Catalogue of sunspots and sunspot groups (txt)Facular data (see SDDformat.txt): Full-disk catalogue of continuum faculae (txt) / Graphical presentation of faculae of the year
- Images of sunspot groups with numbering of spots (jpg) / Processed 16-bit negative images of sunspot groups (fits)
2010 | 2010I | 2010M | 2010fd_jpg | 2010M_jpg | SDD2010 | 2010group_jpg | 2010group_fits | |||
2011 | 2011I | 2011M | 2011fd_jpg | 2011M_jpg | SDD2011 | 2011group_jpg | 2011group_fits |

SOHO | Solar and Heliospheric Observatory - satellite based data
Format of the SOHO/MDI - Debrecen Sunspot Data (SDD) catalogue ››
If the SDD data or any related on-line tools are used in any publications, please refer to these papers:
Baranyi, T., Győri, L., Ludmány, A.,
On-line Tools for Solar Data Compiled at the Debrecen Observatory and their Extensions with the Greenwich Sunspot Data,
Solar Physics, 291, 3081-3102, 2016,
DOI: 10.1007/s11207-016-0930-1
If the SDD tilt angle data are used in any publications, please also refer to this paper:
Baranyi, T.: 2015, Comparison of Debrecen and Mount Wilson/Kodaikanal sunspot group tilt angles and the Joy's law, MNRAS, 447,
(4): 1857-1865, DOI:10.1093/mnras/stu2572
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Contact person: Tünde Baranyi (e-mail:baranyi[at]; Requests, comments, questions or bug-reporting are welcome.
MDI home page
- Quick-look Magnetogram Summary Images (sampled 15 / day)
- Magnetogram GIF Images (sampled 15 / day)
- Intensitygram GIF Images With Limb-Darkening Removed (sampled 4 / day)
- Intensitygram GIF Images With Limb-Darkening (sampled 4 / day)
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory - SOHO
Institute for Nuclear Research
Astronomical Institute
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Heliophysical Observatory
Address: 4026 Debrecen, Poroszlay út 6.
Postal: 4010 Debrecen Pf. 30.
E-mail: (user)
Phone: +36-52-311-015
Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute
Address: 1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15-17.
Postal: 1525 Budapest Pf. 67.
E-mail: (user)
Phone: +36-1-391-9320