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Addresses Research Staff Publications
eHEROES ( Environment for Human Exploration and RObotic Experimentation in Space , FP7-Space-Cooperation 2012-2015) TÁMOP (4.2.2.C FÖLD-RENDSZER PROJEKT 2012-2013) ESA-PECS(Production and cross-calibration of spaceborne sunspot data, 2009-2012) SOTERIA( SOlar- TERrestrial Investigations and Archives , FP7-Space-Cooperation, 2008-2011) ESA-PECS (SOHO/VIRGO,MDI - DPD catalogue studies, 2004-2007) Data products: Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD) - ground-based or space-borne white-light sunspot data and image database - MySQL query for DPD, - Query for DPD sunspot group tilt angle data SOHO/MDI - Debrecen Data (SDD) - SOHO/MDI sunspot and facular data and image database - MySQL query for SDD, - Query for SDD sunspot group tilt angle data Data base and tool for studying of active region magnetic configuration and positions of solar flares SDO/HMI - Debrecen Data (HMIDD) - SDO/HMI sunspot data and image catalogue Greenwich Photoheliographic Results - revised, converted to the DPD format, and completed with solar drawings (1872-1976) Hungarian historical solar drawings - full-disk white-light solar drawings (1872-1919) FTP archives - all databases of the solar observatory |
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